St John's Frankston East
St John’s strives to create an optimal learning environment where students feel safe, supported and respected and where a strong sense of belonging is experienced through their connection to their peers, school, family and community.
Each member of our school community assumes an important role in promoting student wellbeing. We recognise that students are more able to engage fully with their learning when their social, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing is healthy and when they possess a strong sense of self-worth. Enhanced student wellbeing is integral to improving student learning outcomes.
St John’s provides explicit programs to enhance student wellbeing and to meet the individual needs of all students including; Code Club, Mindfulness Club, Dance Club, Before School Jogging, Buddy Program, Student/Teacher Mentorship Program and Student Mindfulness sessions.
A sense of belonging is crucial to students being able to thrive. This sense of belonging and being in relationships with others, builds and strengthens the ability of learners to understand and manage their emotions, develop their sense of self and their resilience in the face of difficulty, challenge or adversity.
At St John’s, we provide a happy, healthy and safe learning environment, where all children are encouraged to be their best. Student wellbeing is central to our Vision and Mission statements. It is evident in everything we say and do. For students to succeed, they need to develop the capabilities to manage themselves individually and interpersonally, to understand the world and act effectively, ethically and responsibly.
Students with well-developed social and emotional skills find it easier to manage themselves, relate to others, develop resilience and a sense of self-worth, resolve conflict, engage in teamwork and feel positive about themselves and the world around them. The development of personal and social capabilities are a foundation for learning and for citizenship.
Our school community endeavours to live by the values of love, care and compassion, belonging, respect, responsibility, perseverance, happiness, enthusiasm, commitment, excellence, wisdom and integrity. These values align with the competencies taught within personal and social capabilities: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making (CASEL, 2006).
Programs implemented to support Social & Emotional Learning include:
Play is the Way
Berry Street Model
Senior Mentor Program
Buddies Program
Story Dogs
Wellbeing Room
Senior Leadership
Mindfulness sessions

Play is the Way

PLAY IS THE WAY® is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional learning. Play is the Way is behaviour education and includes guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language to self-manage and regulate feelings and emotions. The Play is the Way program supports St John’s commitment to providing a safe, caring and supportive learning environment, which ensures that the experience of social, emotional and academic learning is positive for all students.
At St John’s Play is the Way is implemented across all year levels and gives our school a way to develop, improve and embed students' personal and social capabilities. By implementing this program we aim to develop social and emotional skills so our students find it easier to manage themselves, relate to others, develop resilience and a sense of self-worth, resolve conflict, engage in teamwork and feel positive about themselves and the world around them. The development of personal and social capability is a foundation for learning and for citizenship and includes:
Self-Awareness – Recognising one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations
Self-Management – Managing emotions and behaviours to achieve one’s goals
Social Awareness – Showing understanding and empathy for others
Relationship skills – Making friends, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict and bullying
Responsible decision-making – making good choices about personal and social behaviour
Play is the Way uses -
Physically interactive, games and activities that both require and develop personal and social capabilities as they are being played.
Five guiding concepts that serve as a moral compass and help children to do what they believe is right and best to do. When embedded, these concepts prevent children from drowning in life and learning – hence, they are aptly called Life Raft concepts.
An empowering self-reflective language that helps children to master their behaviour in preparation for a responsible life in a free and democratic society.
Six key virtues called Pathway To Empathy virtues. When understood, practised and habituated, these virtues result in people of strong character and empathy.

Senior Mentor Program
At St John’s we are very proud of our Grade 6/Staff Mentor Program. The aim of the program is to provide our Grade 6 students with a key member of staff to act as a mentor that they can chat to and build a meaningful relationship with over the year.
As mentors, staff are responsible for guiding, supporting and motivating our Grade 6 students. The staff are not just role models, but also confidants and advisors who can help the Grade 6 students navigate the challenges and obstacles of life.
Staff lead by example, setting a positive and inspiring tone for those they mentor. This means being open and honest, willing to listen and offer advice, and being willing to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to help our students grow and succeed.
Ultimately, the goal as mentors is to help the Grade 6 students realise their full potential and encourage them to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

Buddies Program
At St John’s we offer our Foundation and Grade 6 students the opportunity to participate in a wonderful program called ‘Buddies.’ It is one of the many ways we support our Prep students to settle into school, as well as promoting and developing leadership skills in our senior students.
Our buddy program helps to promote friendship, better support of learning, behavioral and social needs, and fosters a greater sense of belonging and a more inclusive school community.
Buddies meet regularly throughout the year to complete fun activities together. These activities may include games and learning tasks. The program has an extremely positive impact on both the Foundation and Grade 6 students.

Wellbeing Team
At St John’s Primary School, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent to the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel.
All staff are committed to the wellbeing of all students in their care, in addition we have a dedicated Wellbeing Team.
Wellbeing Hub
St John’s has a dedicated wellbeing room that incorporates a welcoming and calm space for students. The room is furnished with beanbags, yoga mats, mini trampoline, fidget toys, whiteboards and other items. Students have the opportunity to participate in calm activities such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness colouring, playdoh, story reading and use of sensory items.
Students who enter this space are explicitly taught strategies as well as how to use the tools to help them be the best learners that they can be. The aim is to build and strengthen the ability of our students to understand and manage their emotions, develop their sense of self and their resilience in the face of challenges, difficulties or adversity.

Child Safety
St John’s primary School has a commitment to the care, safety, and wellbeing of all students at our school. We are committed to complying with Ministerial Order No. 1359 and following the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
St John’s Primary School is entrusted, in partnership with parents/guardians/caregivers who are the primary educators of their children, with the total education of the child. Our school staff have a duty of care to students during school operating hours and at other times when a staff/student relationship exists. Staff fulfil this duty by taking reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which they can reasonably foresee would be likely to result in harm or injury to the student.

Story Dogs
Story Dogs is a fun and unique reading support program that improves children’s reading and communication skills by children reading to a trained companion dog and its handler.
The Story Dog program is primarily designed for students who have reading challenges, however students may be chosen by the classroom teacher to participate in the program as a reward or as an alternative reading activity.
Students spend approximately 20 minutes with the Story Dog team once per week reading books which are appropriate to their reading level.