St John's Frankston East
We work with a wide range of community groups or support organisations to cater for the needs of all our students and to provide additional support to families. Here are some of the organisations we recommend.

Parents Support & Involvement
As their child’s first and primary educators, parent support and involvement is critical to their child's academic and personal development. Evidence shows that when parents are actively involved in their child's education, children tend to:
Achieve higher grades and test scores
Attend school more regularly
Have better social skills and behavior
Show a more positive attitude towards school
Are more resilient when learning is difficult
There are many ways that parents can support and be involved in their child's education at St John’s, including:
Attending parent-teacher conferences and meetings
Volunteering in the classroom or to help with school events
Supporting their child's learning at home by reading with their child or discussing and supporting what they are learning at school
Encouraging their child to be actively involved in their own education by setting goals, monitoring progress, and advocating for their own needs
By being supportive and involved in their child's education, parents can also strengthen their relationship with their child and develop a better understanding of their child's strengths, challenges, and interests. This can be especially important for parents who may not have had the opportunity to pursue higher education themselves, as it can help them to better support and encourage their child's learning and development.

School Advisory Council (SAC)
St John’s School Advisory Committee (SAC) acts as a forum for discussion on matters concerning education within the school. It seeks to bring together in a spirit of cooperation, the parish priest, school principal, parent representatives and staff and representatives of the wider faith community so that responsible informed advice can be offered to the Parish Priest and Principal.

Parent Portal
Please feel free to send in your feedback about the school or aspects of it, it may be suggestions re: current operations, requests for events, positive aspects you have noted, etc. These will be presented to School Leadership and/or the Parent Advisory Committee. Thank you in advance for your contribution towards improving our school.
If you wish to register a complaint, please direct this in writing to: principal@sjfrankstoneast.catholic.edu.au

John Paul College is our primary Catholic co-educational secondary college in Frankston.
John Paul College is a vibrant learning community where each student is supported and challenged to achieve excellence.
McMahons Rd
Victoria 3199
Contact Details
Phone: (03) 9784 0200
Fax: (03) 9781 5810
Email: johnpaul@jpc.vic.edu.au
Office Hours: 8.00am to 4.30pm

Jaguar's Basketball Club

New members welcome!
Register your interest with us by emailing: admin@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Jaguars Committee Members as of AGM on 10/09/23:
President: Bek Tsivoglou Email: president@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Vice President: Madia Gayfer Email: vicepresident@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Secretary: Maddy Berry Email: admin@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Treasurer: Adam Klopper Email: treasurer@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Uniform: Gail Markby Email: uniforms@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Club/FDBA Liaison officer: Kurt Halewood - Email: clubliaison@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Social Media: Brett Wilson Email: socials@stjohnsjaguarsbasketball.com
Child Welfare officer: Vacant (BekTsivoglou/Madia Gayfer)
General Committee: Vacant